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ALL PAGES must be filled out and signed by a parent or legal guardian for each athlete enrolled.
This document explains the procedures and expectations of the parents and the athletes.
We have created a comprehensive list of tumbling tips to help your athlete progress their skills safely, correctly, and at a faster rate. Please read over these tips with your athlete so that they understand what is required of them to perfect their current skills and achieve new ones.

Important Dates and Gym Closings
Carolina Power Tumbling is open year-round. We do not have yearly evaluations to change classes, as other gyms will do. We move the athletes to the appropriate class as they progress, age out of a class, or have scheduling conflicts throughout the year. We follow closely, but not identically, to the Anderson County School District Calendar. We will be closed for major holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break, but we are NOT closed on days such as Presidents Day or Teacher In-Service Days. In the event that there is inclement weather, the gym will be closed when ANDERSON COUNTY SCHOOLS are closed. We will post signs in the gym waiting area and on social media via Facebook and/or Instagram to get the message out about special events or gym closings.
For any assistance, reach out to us!